Dominate Your Niche: Podcast Out-Stream Promotion Benchmarks Revealed

Podcast Out-Stream Promotion Benchmarks Revealed

Hey there, podcasting pro (or aspiring pro!) Been crushing it with your podcast content, but feeling a little lost when it comes to promotion? We've all been there.

Figuring out the right metrics to track, like ad clicks, download rates, and that whole alphabet soup of CPMs and CTRs, can be a total head-scratcher.

But don’t fret, guys! This guide is your one-stop shop for crushing those podcast promotion goals. We're going to crack open the vault and share industry benchmarks you NEED to beat to get your podcast heard by the right ears. Think of it as your secret weapon to dominate the podcasting charts.

Here's the lowdown on what we'll be covering:

  • Average Ads Click Rate

  • Average Cost Per Ad Click

  • Average Downloads Conversion Rate

  • Average CPM (Cost Per Mille)


By the end of this guide, you'll be armed with data-driven insights to set realistic goals, measure your progress, and make sure your podcast promotion is firing on all cylinders. Remember, this guide focuses specifically on podcast out-stream advertising, so we'll be diving deep into that world. If you’re ready, let’s get to it...


Average Ads Click Rate


The name of the game is getting listeners to click on those ad links after hearing your super-engaging promotion. So, how are you stacking up against the industry titans? Buckle up, because we're about to reveal some eye-opening benchmarks.

Customer Experience reigns supreme in the click-through kingdom, boasting a whopping 7.27% average click rate! That's almost TWICE the overall industry average of 3.76%. These podcasters are clearly crafting AD MAGIC that totally grabs their target audience's attention. Take notes!

Now, let's see who's struggling a bit in the click department. The Publishing industry comes in at a lower 1.21% average click rate. There's definitely some room for improvement there.

Construction crews are showing us how it's done with a solid 4.50% average click-through rate. While it's not quite as high as Customer Experience or the SMB/Finance crowd, it's still way above the norm.

These benchmarks are your gold standard for measuring your own podcast advertising performance.

Lagging behind your industry's click rates? It might be time to tweak your ad creative, target a bit tighter, or maybe even shake up your overall strategy.

But if you're smashing it and exceeding these standards, then great job! You're doing something seriously right.

Now, let's talk about the flip side of the coin: how much is it actually costing you to get those clicks?  Onward to Average Cost Per Ad Click!


Average Cost Per Ad Click

Alright, let's talk about the cold, hard cash – how much does it cost to get those clicks rolling in? This is where things get interesting!

The not-so-coveted title of "highest cost per ad click" goes to the Publishing industry, clocking in at a hefty $1.67 per click. Yikes! That's way higher than the average cost of $1.10 across the board.

On the bright side, the AI world is offering some seriously affordable clicks at a cool $0.80 each. That's almost half the price everyone else is paying.

Other industries, like Commercial Real Estate ($0.85) and Customer Experience ($0.90), are also keeping their ad costs relatively low compared to the pricier sectors like Marketing and Publishing ($1.67).

Here's the key takeaway: this data gives you a crystal clear picture of what the typical podcast advertising rates are in your industry. If you're noticing your cost-per-click is skyrocketing above the norm, it might be time to revisit your targeting strategy, shake up your ad creative, or adjust your bidding strategy to get those costs down.

But if you're doing great on price compared to the competition, then keep doing what you're doing – you're winning the click war!

The big lesson here is that understanding how your costs stack up against the industry average is crucial to maximizing your return on investment for podcast promotion. Use this info to make smart media buying choices and ensure you're getting the most clicks for your buck.

Now, we're about to shift gears and dive into the Average Downloads Conversion Rate.


Average Downloads Conversion Rate


Alright, folks, it's time to talk about the ultimate podcasting dream: turning those clicks into glorious downloads! This metric, known as the "Average Downloads Conversion Rate," is the magic number that tells you how effective your ads are at transforming curious listeners into devoted fans.

The undisputed champion in the download conversion rate arena is the Marketing world, absolutely crushing it with a mind-blowing 83.20% rate. That means they're absolute rockstars at getting listeners to hit download after discovering their podcast. Seriously impressive!

On the other end of the spectrum, the Commercial Real Estate industry is facing a bit of a download conversion challenge, averaging only 47.95%. This suggests there might be some room for improvement in how they're enticing listeners to actually listen to their content.

The average download conversion rate across all these industries is 59.12%. So, if your podcast can snag a conversion rate in that ballpark or higher, then you're doing fantastic compared to most.

Here's the key takeaway: figure out what the industry benchmark is for your niche. If your download conversion rate is lagging behind the pack, it might be time to revamp your content promotion tactics and figure out how to better encourage those downloads.

But hey, if you're already exceeding the typical standards, then high-five yourself – you're maximizing the reach and impact of your podcast!

Up next, we're diving into "Average CPM" (cost per mille, a fancy way of saying "cost per thousand listeners").


Average CPM

Average CPM

Alright guys, let's talk about the other side of the cost coin again. We tackled clicks, we conquered downloads, but what about the overall price tag for getting your message in front of all those potential listeners with your podcast promotion?

In comes “Average CPM” – the metric that is your golden ticket to understanding how much you're spending to get your message in front of those future fans.

The industry wearing the crown for highest CPM is Construction, with a hefty $60.46 per thousand impressions. Yikes! That's way steeper than the average cost of $32.20 across the board.

On the bright side, the Publishing world is offering some seriously affordable advertising at a cool $14.66 CPM. And the absolute champion of cost-effective promotion goes to the AI sector, with a mind-blowing $4.88 CPM – that's less than half the price of what Construction advertisers are paying.

Other industries like Commercial Real Estate ($22.52) and Leadership ($20.76) are also keeping their ad costs relatively low compared to the premium rates in Construction ($60.46).

Here's the key takeaway: this data gives you a crystal clear picture of what the typical podcast advertising rates are in your industry. If your current CPM is skyrocketing above the norm, it might be time to revisit your targeting strategy, shake up your ad creative, or adjust your bidding strategy to bring those costs down and stay competitive.

But if you're already crushing it on CPM compared to the competition, then you're sitting pretty! You might even be able to command higher ad inventory prices while still offering a sweet deal to your advertisers. Win-win!


Final Words…

Alright, folks, we're nearing the finish line! Here's the big takeaway: when it comes to podcast advertising performance, a few industries are absolutely crushing it.

The CX and SMB/Finance worlds are the undisputed champions, reigning supreme with impressive click-through rates (7.27% and 6.43% respectively) and keeping their costs nice and low (CPC under $1.10). These guys are seriously rocking their podcast promotion strategies.

On the other hand, the Publishing industry seems to be facing some challenges across multiple areas. Their click-through rates are a bit on the low side (only 1.21%) and their cost per click is a bit high ($1.67). Some tweaks to their promotion strategy might be needed to improve engagement.

Looking at how many listeners convert those clicks into downloads, the Marketing and AI sectors are the clear winners, boasting stellar download conversion rates of 83.20% and 68.84% respectively. Commercial Real Estate, on the other hand, has some room for improvement with their download conversion rate sitting at just 47.95%. Optimizing their approach could lead to a significant boost.

The cost per thousand listeners (CPM) varies greatly depending on the industry, ranging from a low of $14.66 in Publishing all the way up to a hefty $60.46 in Construction. Understanding these industry-specific benchmarks is crucial for setting competitive ad rates and maximizing your revenue potential.

We've also revealed some overall average benchmarks to serve as helpful guideposts: 3.46% click-through rate, $1.10 CPC, 59.12% download conversion rate, and $32.20 CPM. As a podcaster, you can leverage this data to assess your own performance and set realistic goals for growth.

The ultimate power move? Understanding the podcast metrics specific to your industry.

Use these insights to inform your content promotion strategy, optimize your ad campaigns, and ultimately, fuel massive growth for your show. With a data-driven approach, you'll be well on your way to podcast marketing domination.


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