Podcast Growth Benchmarks For Your Industry: How Do You Stack Up?

We all know the feeling - you've poured your heart and soul into your show, but those downloads just aren't where you want them to be. But before you spend another night stressing about numbers, let's talk benchmarks!

These handy benchmarks are like a secret decoder ring for the podcasting world. They help you understand what success looks like for shows in your industry, so you can set realistic goals and avoid those comparison-induced sleepless nights.

This article cracks the code on growth benchmarks for a whopping 15 industries: Commercial Real Estate, Engineering, Consulting, Systems Integration, Marketing, Diaspora Content, Finance for SMBs, Talent Acquisition, Business Operations, e-commerce, Customer Experience, Digital Transformation, Product Development, Construction, and Publishing.

We're taking deep dives into four key metrics for each industry:

  • Average Downloads Per Episode (DPE): This tells you how many times, on average, each episode gets downloaded.

  • Average Consumption Rate (CR): This lets you know how much of your episode listeners listen to (think of it like attention span for your amazing content!).

  • Average Downloads per Listener (DPL): This helps you understand how many times your superfans (the listeners who come back for every episode) are downloading.

  • Average YouTube Views Per Episode (YTV): If you've got a video version of your podcast, this benchmark shows how many people are tuning in on YouTube.

By comparing your podcast's performance to these industry benchmarks, you can see where you stand and what areas might have room for growth. Maybe your downloads are on par, but your listeners aren't sticking around for the whole episode. Or perhaps you're crushing it on downloads but haven't tapped into the YouTube audience yet.

The key is to use this info to craft a winning growth strategy tailored to YOUR show. So, if you’re ready to take the guesswork out and take your podcast to the next level, read on…

Average Downloads Per Episode (DPE)

Alright, let's jump into the nitty-gritty with our first benchmark: Average Downloads Per Episode (DPE). This metric is kind of like your podcast's guest list - the bigger the number, the more people are tuning in.

So, who's throwing the hottest podcast parties? Surprisingly, it's the folks in customer experience and construction, averaging a whopping 3,440 and 2,671 downloads per episode, respectively. This makes sense, considering many podcast listeners are B2B professionals who crave industry insights. However, with so many episodes, there's a chance of listeners getting overwhelmed. Imagine attending a party with endless food options - you might get full and miss out on the good stuff!

Publishing and commercial real estate podcasts are also generating solid numbers, clocking in at over 1,300 DPE each. These niche shows cultivate loyal listeners who eagerly await each episode. But hey, even devoted fans might appreciate a sprinkle of fresh topics or a wider promotional strategy.

Now, let's talk about the podcasts with a more intimate guest list. Product development and talent acquisition shows snag an average of 84 and 132 downloads per episode, respectively. While the audience might be smaller, these podcasts often attract super-engaged listeners who are laser-focused on these specific areas.

Here's the takeaway: When it comes to downloads, customer experience, construction, publishing, and commercial real estate reign supreme. But remember, downloads are just one piece of the puzzle. The average podcast across all industries sees around 280 downloads per episode. So, while downloads are a great indicator of interest, how much of your content are listeners consuming? That's where the Average Consumption Rate (CR) comes in, and we'll be tackling that next!


Average Consumption Rate (CR)

Yes, downloads are hot, but are listeners actually sticking around to hear what you have to say? This is where the Consumption Rate (CR) comes in. Think of it like a report card that shows how much of your podcast magic listeners are absorbing.

Here's the cool part: a CR over 100% means listeners are hitting replay! Customer experience takes the cake here with a stellar 70.9% consumption rate. That means listeners are tuning in and coming back for more than 70% of each episode - sounds like they're hooked!

Commercial real estate and publishing podcasts are also masters of engagement, boasting CRs of 71% and 69% respectively. Their listeners just can't get enough!

Now, let's talk about the podcasts with a bit more room for improvement. AI and engineering shows have CRs of 36% and 56%, which is still decent, but there's a chance listeners might be zoning out before the episode ends.

The average podcast across all industries lands at a 66.25% CR. So, while talent acquisition, consulting, digital transformation, and other mid-range shows are doing okay, they might need to up their engagement game to compete with those repeat-listen-worthy episodes.

Remember, downloads are great for getting your name out there, but CR reveals how deeply your content resonates. By understanding your audience's preferences through these metrics, you can tailor your format and topics to transform casual listeners into die-hard fans who eagerly await your next episode.

Next up, we'll be diving into Average Downloads per Listener (DPL) to see how many times your most loyal listeners are tuning in!


Average Downloads Per Listener

Now that we've explored consumption rate, let's see how many times your most loyal listeners are hitting download with Average Downloads per Listener (DPL). It's like a VIP count for your podcast - the higher the number, the more your superfans can't get enough of your content.

Leading the charge are customer experience and digital transformation podcasts, averaging over 2.5 downloads per listener. These niche industries are full of passionate professionals who devour relevant content like nobody's business!

Business operations podcasts also impress with 1.85 downloads per listener, indicating a highly engaged audience who consistently tunes in.

On the other hand, publishing and consulting podcast listeners download just over 1 episode per unique listener. While they're actively consuming content, their tastes might be a bit more selective.

The industry average for DPL is 1.3. Talent acquisition, diaspora, commercial real estate, and engineering podcasts fall right around this mark, with construction, finance, and marketing trailing slightly behind. There's no data yet for e-commerce and product development shows, so it's hard to say how sticky their audiences are.

Remember, downloads are great for visibility, but DPL reveals true listener loyalty. The more content your audience actively downloads, the stronger the foundation for growth. By analyzing this metric, podcasters can make informed decisions about their content and promotional strategies to keep those superfans super happy!

Last but not least, let's explore Average YouTube Podcast Views (YTV) to see if your podcast is a video rockstar!


Average YT Podcast Views

Alright, we've explored downloads, consumption rates, and listener loyalty, but what about the power of video? This is where Average YouTube Podcast Views (YTV) come in. It's like a gauge for your podcast's celeb status on YouTube - the higher the number, the more viewers are tuning in for the visual experience.

The undisputed video champs are consulting and customer experience podcasts, each episode raking in over 25,000 views! This incredible engagement shows a massive appetite for visual content related to these topics. Clearly, people are hungry to see the faces and hear the voices behind the advice.

Digital transformation podcasts are hot on their heels with an impressive 25,370 YouTube views per episode. Professionals in this ever-changing field are seeking out content in this format.

Now, let's talk about the podcasts that might be better off sticking to audio. Business operations and finance shows average only 51 and 60 YouTube views per episode, respectively. While these topics are super valuable in the workplace, they might not translate as well to video. Think about it - would you rather watch someone talk about expense reports, or listen to it while you commute?

The average YouTube view count across all industries is 205. Most podcasts, including those in AI, diaspora, talent acquisition, e-commerce, and product development, land around that mark. There's no data for construction and publishing yet, so it's hard to say if their audiences crave video content.

This benchmark is a great way to see where video shines. Consulting, customer experience, and digital transformation podcasts can confidently invest in growing their YouTube channels, while finance and business operations might find their audience is more engaged with the audio-only format.

Remember, the key takeaway is to use this data to figure out where YOUR podcast thrives. Embrace video if it's a hit, or stick to audio if that's where your magic happens!


Final Words…

We've talked downloads, consumption rates, listener loyalty, and even YouTube views - but here's the real kicker: downloads are just one piece of the puzzle. True engagement goes way deeper.

That's where benchmarks like consumption rate and downloads per listener come in. These metrics are like an X-ray vision for your podcast - they reveal how deeply your content is resonating with your audience. By looking at a bunch of different metrics together, we can start to see clear strengths and weaknesses across different industries.

For example, the consulting, customer experience, and digital transformation podcasts are crushing it. They're not only getting a lot of downloads but their listeners are super engaged - coming back for more and even checking out their videos! These audiences crave high-quality content that's super relevant to their lives, and they're happy to consume it in all its forms.

On the other hand, marketing and AI podcasts might have impressive download numbers, but their listeners aren't sticking around for repeat listens. This could be a sign that their content format needs some work, or maybe the topics they're covering aren't quite hitting the mark.

Here's the thing: the average podcast across all industries gets about 280 downloads per episode, with listeners downloading an average of 1.3 episodes each. So, how your podcast stacks up against these benchmarks can be a great way to diagnose your performance. Numbers that fall outside the average aren't necessarily bad, but they can be a springboard for figuring out why.

Ultimately, every podcast has its own unique audience. Numbers are just a guidepost, pointing creators towards areas where they can refine their strategies and make a bigger impact. By embracing a learning mindset and using industry benchmarks as your compass, you can make smart decisions that will not only attract new listeners but keep your existing fans hitting that subscribe button!


Ready to take your podcast to the next level? Check out my episodes featuring renowned marketing experts and discover proven strategies to explode your audience and engagement!



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