The Power of Reputation Management for Small Businesses

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Join Dots Oyebolu as he talks to Emily Washcovick, Senior Field Marketing Manager and Small Business Expert at Yelp. Emily delves into the power of reputation management and the strategic use of online reviews to boost business growth and customer engagement for small businesses.

Key Takeaways:

(4:04) How online reviews act as modern word-of-mouth and are crucial for business visibility and credibility.

(09:30) The potential pitfalls of soliciting reviews and why natural reviews are more beneficial.

(12:01) Proactive strategies for responding to both positive and negative online reviews.

(15:31) How small businesses can leverage their online presence on platforms like Yelp to influence consumer decisions.

(19:27) The benefits of an optimized Yelp profile and how to effectively use this platform without a business website.

(24:26) Tracking the source of customer leads is crucial for understanding and optimizing conversion strategies.

(31:24) Setting up Google Alerts and platform notifications helps businesses stay informed about where and how they are being discussed online.

Insightful Links:  

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