Modern Customers Demand Reception Marketing From Brands with RJ Licata

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Join Dots Oyebolu and guest RJ Licata, Sr. Director of Marketing at Terakeet, to explore the nuances of Owned Asset Optimization (OAO) and its impact on marketing strategies. RJ reveals how OAO enhances marketing efficiency and broadens its application across various industries.

Key Takeaways:

(01:41) RJ’s transition from sports marketing to Terakeet, where he has developed expertise in SEO and marketing strategies.

(04:28) How experience in sports marketing instilled a strong work ethic and team-first mentality.

(06:23) Significant changes in consumer behavior and how technological advancements have shaped marketing strategies.

(09:24) Reception marketing, a strategy developed by Terakeet to engage consumers more effectively.

(13:50) Owned Asset Optimization (OAO), a strategy to maximize the impact of assets a company directly controls.

(18:08) How reception marketing and OAO strategies vary across different industries and are tailored to meet specific needs.

(23:49) RJ discusses favorite marketing metrics, daily social media usage and marketing quotes.

(27:52) Matching marketing strategies to consumer frequency and the role of CRM in tailoring reception marketing

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