Episode 22: Marketing Intelligence Best Practices for CMOs

On this episode, Julian Juenemann, Founder of MeasureSchool, dives into the world of data analytics, digital marketing intelligence and the importance of understanding your data for optimizing marketing campaigns. With a rich blend of experience and insights, Julian brings to the forefront the significance of tracking in digital marketing and the nuances of data interpretation.

Key Takeaways:

[08:15] Google Analytics remains a powerful tool, but to unlock its full potential, you need to fully comprehend its capabilities and nuances.

[12:25] Many marketers find Google Analytics 4 a bit challenging due to its different approach, though it holds promise for future optimization.

[16:50] While tracking remains vital, it's equally important to test, test and test again. This ensures that campaigns are optimized based on reliable data.

[23:40] Google's decision to move away from A/B testing in Google Optimize signifies a shift in the market, but alternatives exist.

[29:20] Understanding your data's origin is crucial. Simplifying and focusing on essential metrics helps in making informed decisions.

[34:45] There's a danger of "analysis paralysis." Marketers should be wary of being overwhelmed with too much data. They need to streamline and focus.

[40:10] The heart of digital marketing is data. Without accurate tracking, understanding the results and their sources becomes a challenge.

[45:12] Making sense of data means deeply understanding it from its collection point. Simplifying data often leads to clearer and more actionable insights.

[48:12] Julian is organizing a free event, MeasureSummit, in October, focusing on the latest tactics and insights in measuring your marketing. 

Resources Mentioned:

MeasureSchool's YouTube channel

MeasureSchool's website

Upcoming free event in October: MeasureSummit

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Episode 23: Marketing and Business Analysis Is a Marriage Made in Heaven


Episode 21: The Road to Becoming the CMO (Chief Magic Officer)